Volunteering is enormously beneficial to individuals and the society. “JC VOLUNTEER TOGETHER” Project is a citywide programme initiated and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to promote volunteerism in Hong Kong.


In collaboration with 12 partner organisations, this five-year “JC VOLUNTEER TOGETHER” Project strives to develop technology-enabled, innovative volunteer engagement models with targeted programmes to encourage and mobilise students, 50+ and retirees as well as the general public to do good for the community. The Project comprises the following distinctive components and a recognition scheme to encourage consistent volunteering participation through meaningful rewards.

School-based programme

To raise students’ awareness of the positive values of volunteering, nurture empathy and encourage good deeds

50+ and retirees programme

To empower this age bracket with diverse training and service opportunities

Digital platform

To offer an integrated experience for prospective volunteers to discover volunteering opportunities and keep track of volunteering activities



The programme delivers an experiential learning curriculum for volunteer service in primary and secondary schools to nurture future service leaders. Based on a structured “Plan-Serve-Reflect” approach, students can gain greater understanding of different social issues (from ageing to environmental protection), identify community needs, and take steps in serving the community in practical ways.

Please contact Caritas Hong Kong (email: ycs.volunteer.jc@caritassws.org.hk) for details.


The programme motivates 50+ community members to volunteer their time and skills through diverse service opportunities, and participate in service-based training to design and lead their own volunteering initiatives. The aim is to unleash their potential and apply experience and skills to nurture an active and meaningful third age.

For registration and enquiries, please contact the following organisations and indicate the programme you are interested in.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong (email: jcvt@elchk.org.hk; tel: 3598 8955)
St. James’ Settlement (email: hubbalab@sjs.org.hk; tel: 2596 2719)
YWCA (email: jcvolunteertogether@ywca.org.hk; tel: 2700 1600)


The programme motivates 50+ community members to volunteer their time and skills through diverse service opportunities, and participate in service-based training to design and lead their own volunteering initiatives. The aim is to unleash their potential and apply experience and skills to nurture an active and meaningful third age.

For registration and enquiries, please contact the following organisations and indicate the programme you are interested in.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong
(email: jcvt@elchk.org.hk; tel: 3598 8955)
St. James’ Settlement (email: hubbalab@sjs.org.hk; tel: 2596 2719)
YWCA (email: jcvolunteertogether@ywca.org.hk; tel: 2700 1600)

digital platform

JC VOLUNTEER TOGETHER PLATFORM is collaborating with six organisations to offer volunteers an integrated experience to discover volunteering opportunities around town, and register for and keep track of volunteering activities. Volunteers can also receive recognition by accumulating volunteer hours throughout the year. Surprises await as a token of appreciation!

Spread Kindness

Their Volunteer Experience

A soup to WARM you up!
“I learned the ‘Plan-Serve-Reflect’ framework to understand more about the needs of the elderly through experiential learning activities. Instead of taking part in the more usual volunteering activities (e.g. charity flag sales), I was more interested in exploring and self-initiating opportunities for doing good deeds around me..."
Participant from JC Volunteer Together –
School-based Programme (Volunteer Experiential Programme)
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Gain from giving
“Just take the first step in volunteering and you will see how rewarding it is!”

Willy is currently working in the intellectual property field and this programme offered him a brand-new experience that has ignited his passion as a new volunteer...
Participant from JC Volunteer Together –
50+and Retirees Programme (50+ Design Thinking Workshop)
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Explore a fulfilling retired life through volunteering
“I believe that the workshops will sow the seeds of interest in learning Cantonese among ethnic-minority women. Also, I feel very satisfied with how I can utilise my own strengths and teaching expertise to further collaborate with passionate volunteer peers and contribute to meaningful causes..."
Participant from JC Volunteer Together –
50+and Retirees Programme (50+ Design Thinking Workshop)
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Initiated and Funded By:
Partner Organisations: